Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Potter Go Boom?

Speaking of movies, going to watch HP7-2  this Friday.

I can't say I'm not excited about it. But I'm also kinda dreading it, you know? People are saying it's remarkably close to the book, but what if it doesn't satisfy my overly critical judgement (which I know it won't on a lot of minor scenes)?

And also, what then? What comes after Harry Potter?

That just makes me really sad. Really.

And now I wish Voldy didn't die so that Rowling would've had to write another book.


Saturday, 16 July 2011

The horribly disappointing moment when...'re impressed by a person after ages and ages of yearning to meet someone of calibre, and then you find out that their grammar is horrendous.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

"You talk too much
Maybe that's your way of breaking up the silence
That fills you up
But it doesn't sound the same
When no one's really listening..."