Thursday, 24 February 2011

Hello again, Blogger.

This is my--what? Sixth? Seventh?--blog.
But there's a difference between Serendipity and my previous pages. I created those pages for the sole purpose of having a blog. Because I thought (and I still do think) that having a blog, being able to share your life like that with the most random people all over the world, is amazing. And I wanted to be a part of the blogosphere.

But eventually, that turned out not to be enough. I couldn't feel comfortable until I found my own little niche. Until this particular blog came into being.

I'm only eighteen. But to be honest, I think eighteen is the age when you can figure things out best--despite the lack of experience. Because once you grow up, you get to know too much, and you begin to collapse.

So, in a way, I'm helping myself too. When I grow older and I don't have people around to protect me anymore, the stuff I write here will help me work my way out of my mishaps.

Or, at the very least, it will momentarily make me laugh. Because I have a feeling it's gonna go off topic a lot.
A lot.


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